Caleb Dye

{ Full Stack Developer }

Html . CSS . JavaScript . SQL . Looker

Caleb Dye

Hello 👋

I am Caleb, a software developer based in Utah. I develop, launch and maintain web applications and databases.

It is my privilege to offer a chance to be seen on the web to small businesses and individuals around me. Whether that be creating a website for you from the ground up, or updating an existing presence for the mobile age.


I will help you create custom scalable applications with powerful functionalities

Web Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js

Responsive Design

Most websites and applications are now viewed on mobile. Let me make your application responsive!

Database and Analytics

SQL, SSRS, PowerBI, Looker


If you already have a design or idea I can build it out or convert it to a managable application


These are some of my recent projects

Marketing Portfolio

Client Portfolio to display clients work and ability

Only Drains Plumbing

Website for business Only Drains. Customers can view the offered services, as well as scheduale appointments.

Budgeting App

Simple React, Mongoose, Express, Node App.

Only Drains Invoicing

Simple Invoicing template using angular.

Get In Touch

Please don't hesitate to reach out. Even if it is just to say hello and connect.